Cost Of Solar Panel In Kerala
May 26, 2013 Smart Solar Homes is No. Bebe And Cece Winans. 1 Solar Integrator's from Kerala. Smart Solar Homes Kerala. DIY Solar Panel System: Components, Cost & Savings. ANERT - the Government of Kerala organisation for renewable energy. Invitation of Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Agencies for Solar Powered.
A solar panel is a device that converts solar energy in to electric energy. This is a series parallel connected assembly of voltaic cell and generates DC out put. This DC out put is connected to inverter and produces AC output. Its wattage rating is range from 3 W to 250W.
The efficiency of the panel is very important to determine the number of panels for required voltage and current. Our power generating module is German made with the International product quality certificate like ISO 9001 certification of BSCIC and JAS-ANZ, IEC 61215 certification by Euro Test and TUV. Solar panel convert light energy from the sunrays into electricity by the means of photo voltaic effect. Most solar panels are made up by silicon photovoltaic cell. For this crystalline silicon cells or thin film cells based on cadmium telluride or silicon are used. There are many arrays of cells.
Each cell is connected together for completing circuit for a specified wattage. Connections are made by silver, copper or non-magnetized conductive materials. Electrical connections are made up by series and parallel to get desired voltage and current. Also diodes are used to protect reverse current due to the cause of shading effect. Glass is used in front of the cell to allow light to pass through it and also protect the unit from the external damage. Solar panels are less efficient at high temperature so good ventilation is required under the panels. Now a days mirrors and lenses are used to improve the efficiency of solar panels.
The solar generated DC electricity is simply flowing to inverters by converting to AC and fulfill our domestic power requirements. There are so much type of solar panels, where the mono crystalline, thin film and polycrystalline are mainly using in the field.
Flyline Solar AC power system is a unit containing solar panels, solar electronic inverter and storage batteries. This co-ordination is depending upon the usage of wattage of a customer with the help of field engineers by inspecting the field.,, For quick response call -(91) 60, 282040, 2 MURICKENS GROUP HO., KOTTAYAM-KADUTHURUTHY.
1.Flyline Mono crystalline:- Most mono crystalline are silicon wafer which cut in thin slices from most pure silicon cylinder and micro circuits are fabricated on it single crystal silicon. Advantage of mono crystalline - is most efficient and most dependable way to produce electricity from the sun.
Comparing to polycrystalline mono is 20 to 30% more efficient, because each module is made from a single silicon crystal and is more efficient than polycrystalline. The silicon crystal used in single cells must be requires a much higher purity level.
Mono-crystalline solar panels are first generation solar technology and have long time durability. It produces more electricity per square meter. In Kerala climate 1000 W Solar panels can create between 4. Download Free Tom Standage The Victorian Internet Pdf Blocked. 5 Kwh to 5 Kwh electricity per day. Flyline Polycrystalline cells:- The cost of production of polycrystalline is less than that of mono-crystalline, is very commonly used. Polycrystalline cells are constructed by the method of molten silicon is poured into a cast instead of being made into a single crystal. This material can be synthesized easily by allowing liquid silicon to cool using a seed crystal of the desired crystal structure. High temperature chemical vapor deposition (CVD), is the other methods for crystallizing amorphous silicon to form poly silicon.
In this process, silicon pieces are melted in a ceramic crucible and then formed in a graphite mold to form a block of silicon. As the molten silicon is cooling a seed crystal of the desired crystal structure is created for formation.
For this process only less silicon is required and thus manufacturing cost is reduced and that is why the efficiency is poor than Monocrystalline. Polycrystalline panels only have an efficiency of 70% to 80% compared with mono-crystalline solar panel. Flyline Thin film solar panel:- These are most advanced flexible model solar panels. We can install it in any curved or plane surface where sunlight is available. Thin film solar panel is more efficient comparing Poly and mono crystalline cells but the main drawback is lifetime is only half time than Poly and mono Crystalline cells.