Engineering Drawing Handbook Standards Australia International Limited
APS Design & Drafting Standards TABLE OF CONTENTS This section is under development 2.1 - INTRODUCTION 2.2 - LOGGING ON 2.3 - OPENING FORMS 2. Camera Driver For Toshiba Satellite A500. 4 - SEARCHING THE DATABASE 2.5 - CHECKING OUT A DRAWING 2.6 - RUNNING AUTOCAD 2.7 - CHECKING IN A DRAWING 2.8 - VIEWING AUTOCAD DRAWINGS 2.9 - CREATING A NEW DRAWING 2.10 - DCNs, DOCUMENT CONTROL NUMBERS 2.11 - LOGGING OUT This Design and Drafting standard has been compiled in order for the Advanced Photon Source's Design and Drafting Group to better communicate design requirements to our customers. Through better communication, the Design and Drafting Group hopes to create a mutual understanding of our design requirements among all of our customers.