National Health Programs Of India J Kishore

Kishore*s National Health Programs Of India Books. Kishore*s National Health Programs Of India. Kishore*s National Health Programs Of India. Original Price: $15.00 (Rs 1010.00). DBS Price: $15.00 (Rs 1010.00). (you save 0%). Kishore*s National Health Programs Of India. Amarjeet Singh, Sukhpal Kaur, Jugal Kishore. Comprehensive Textbook of Elderly Care. First edition 2014; New Delhi: Century Publication. J Kishore's National Health Programs of India: National Policies and Legislation related to health, Ed.11th 2014 Jan, pp. 1000; New Delhi: Century Publications 2014. - Buy NATIONAL HEALTH PROGRAMS OF INDIA National Policies and Legislations Related to Health: 1 book online at best prices in India on Dr Jugal Kishore professor & Head in the Department of Community Medicine, Vardhman Mahavir Medical college, New Delhi and Counselor for PGDGM. National Health Programmes of India by J Kishore. This edition is thoroughly updated and many new chapters of public health importance such as reproductive and child health programme-II, National Rural Health Mission, Integrated Disease Surveillance Project, and Millennium Development Goals are also included.
What is RCH programme? For Mothers: Early detection and Registration of Pregnant mothers followed by the Services like Tetanus Toxide injection, iron & Folic Acid Tablets to prevent Anemia and minimum 3 periodical check-ups with a referral services to high risk mothers.
• Well equipped hospital services to meet the emergency care during pre-natal, natal and post-natal period. • Fertility check-up services. For Child: • Neonatal care with an administration of “0” polio dose and BCG vaccination against polio and child Tuberculosis respectively. • At the age of I and a half, 2 and a half, and 3 and a half months, administration of 3 doses of immunization against DPT and Polio. Stranglehold The Game Cheats on this page. • Between 9 and 12 months, immunization against measles and Vitamin –A deficiency • Qualitative Treatment for Acute Respiratory Infection and Diarrhea. For Adolescents: Health education, Personal Hygiene and sexual health education. For Couples: For planned parenthood contraceptive services both permanent and temporary like free Nirodh (condoms), IUD, N.S.V and Tubectomy etc.